Check Iqama Expiry Date Online on Absher & MOL

There are actually 3 methods to find out the expiry date of your Iqama. You can do so using the official Absher app, Absher online service, and using the MOL web portal in the Kingdom. If you wanna use the Absher app and Absher web portal, then you need an active Absher account. However, you can do the same on MOL without having an active Absher account.

In Saudi Arabia, it is very important to check the iqama expiry date online. Because living in the Kingdom with an expired Iqama is quite difficult. So, it must be your top priority to keep your Iqama ID updated.

In this Article, the below procedure will lead you through the overall procedure of how you can check your iqama expiry date online with the help of Absher, MOL, and MOI app service. Let’s get started with the following method.

Check Iqama Expiry Date Online on Absher

  1. Visit Absher and log in to your account.
  2. In the Dashboard, click “Query Iqama Service”.
  3. You will see your Iqama expiry date on the next page.
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Check Iqama Expiry date on Absher Online

Check Iqama Expiry Date on MOL

You don’t need to have an MOI Absher account to check the expiry date of your Iqama. This is the same web portal where you can check your Iqama Nitaqat color too. Anyways, thanks to the MOL (Ministry of Labor) official web portal. You can go there and follow the below simple steps to do so:

  1. Go to MOL and Select the English language.
  2. Now Enter your Iqama number.
  3. Select your date of birth.
  4. Enter the image (reCaptcha code) code and click Next.
  5. You will see your Iqama expiry date on the next page.

Check Iqama expiry date on MOL online in KSA

How to Check Iqama Expiry Date on Absher App

This is a recommended and more convenient way of doing so. You can also find your Iqama expiry date via the Absher app in KSA. Please follow these steps:

Open the Absher app, and log in to your account. Then go to your Profile > My Services > My Iqama > and you will see the Expiry date for Iqama listed there.

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Why Check for Iqama Expiry in KSA?

  • An expatriate will pay penalties for having an expired Muqeem card.
  • Nobody can live in the Kingdom without having an expired Muqeem card.
  • Either if you are Saudi or non-Saudi, you cannot apply for a family visit Visa.
  • You can’t apply for an Exit Visa or Exit Re-Entry Visa.
  • Police can catch you anytime anywhere.
  • No one can leave the Kingdom with an expired Muqeem Card.
The above are the major reasons why you need to regularly check the Expiry date of your “Iqama” in KSA. It is a must to renew the “Iqama” 2 months from the expiration period. So that you can avoid all of the above. Don’t forget to comment below if you have any confusion. Share the article to help others as well.
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Shams Ali
Shams Ali

My name is Shams Ali, and I’m a blogger and the founder of I’m passionate about creating content on topics like Iqama, Absher, KSA news, telecom updates from different providers in KSA. I love sharing helpful information and insights to support the expatriate community. You can reach me at

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