Check Iqama Color, Expiry, and Huroob

Check iqama color, iqama expiry date, and huroob status online in KSA. In this guide, I will cover all these topics as these are the most important queries of all Expats in KSA. For example, How to check iqama expiry? How to check iqama huroob? How to iqama expiry check red and green? Also, there are more queries covered in this post, and they are:

Check iqama fees, expiry date, Huroob status online of iqama, and public query available funds on MOI. Iqama is the most important piece of card for all expats and Saudi citizens living and working in Saudi Arabia. It’s also called the resident permit of a foreigner who works in KSA for a specific period. Without an “Iqama” ID card, it is illegal in Saudi Arabia or all other reputed countries. It’s also called or known as the Muqeem card.

As it is one of the most important documents, it’s necessary to take care of its expiry date. Every Muqeem card is written in Arabic (expiry date), so it’s a little bit difficult for those expatriates who don’t know the Arabic language. However, the government of Saudi Arabia provides an online service called “Query Iqama Expiry Service”. So that all expatriates can go and check out their Muqeem ID expiry date.

Now the question is how can I check my iqama expiry date online in Saudi Arabia? Well, you are lucky, the MOI (Ministry of Interior) official website allows you to check out when your Muqeem ID is going to be expired. And today I am going to show you the process below. So let’s get into it.

Updated: Check Iqama Validity Online on Absher

Every iqama issued by the government of KSA has the validity of 1 or 2 years in the Kingdom. Moreover, some of the Muqeem cards are issued for up to 5 years to be valid. However, to know the exact date when it’s gonna expire, let’s proceed.

There are multiple methods you can follow in order to check the iqama expiry date. I will suggest you only check the expiry date via MOI official website or the official Absher application. In order to do so, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to and log in to your account.
  2. Click Query Iqama Expiry Service on the Home Page.
  3. Enter your Iqama number.
  4. Enter the “Image code”.
  5. And click the “View” button (refer to the image below).
Check Iqama Validity Online on Absher
Check Iqama Validity Online on Absher


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Old Method: Alternatively, you can follow the below procedure, as the above steps are the shortcut to “Query Iqama Expiry Service” on MOI (recommended is the above one).

  1. Visit MOI (Ministry of Interior) official site.
  2. Click “Electronic Inquiries”.
  3. On the left side click on “Passports”.
  4. Now click on “Query Iqama Expiry Service” on the right side.
  5. Put the “Iqama Number” in the first box and in the second box put the “Image code”.
  6. Now just click the “View” button (refer to the image below).

Query Iqama Expiry date in KSA

After clicking the “View” button, now you should see your Iqama expiry date above. Hint: You will see the green bar and “Iqama is valid till date” if your Iqama is valid. If you see a red bar at the top, it means your Iqama is expired.

Checking Iqama Expiry via Absher Application

Surprisingly there is an application introduced by MOI Absher for foreigners and Saudi citizens. The application is available on both platforms Android and iOS. You can easily download the application and get the benefits of its amazing services on the go.

Absher app for checking iqama expiry date online in KSA

The application allows users to check their iqama expiry date, available funds, and all those services which you can find on MOI’s official website.

Check Iqama Red Green Yellow & Platinum (Nitaqat Status):

I am going to explain everything here. For example, what is Nitaqat/red or green color? How to check Iqama red green yellow and platinum colors? and so much more. MOL (Ministry of Labor) allows expatriates and Saudi people to check their company or Kafeel’s reputation in the eye of the government (More Saudi workers more good reputations and benefits). I am sure you guys are getting that what I am trying to explain here.

A good company has always a good reputation and provides lots of rich benefits to its workers. However, the bad company or Kafeel has always a bad reputation and provides poor service to its workers. That’s why the Saudi government provides MOL service to query whether a company is good or bad. They introduced colors known as “Nitaqat” to identify a company or Kafeel’s status either good or bad. The colors are red, green, yellow, and platinum.

What is Iqama Red Green or Nitaqat Status?

Nitaqat is a program introduced by the Saudi government a couple of years ago. Nitaqat is also called Saudization, which means the number of Saudi workers in a company. In short, the more Saudization in a company, the more benefits from the government, e.g fewer iqama fees, etc. Less Saudization means fewer benefits for the government, e.g higher iqama renewal fee, etc.

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The aim of the Nitaqat program is to identify Saudization in each company, Kafeel, and Mosasa by colors. Color is a category of reputation in the eye of the Saudi government. These colors are divided into four categories, red and green, yellow and platinum.

Check Iqama Color Red Green Yellow (Nitaqat Status)

So, it is a great service by the MOL (Ministry of Interior). Anyone can check their company or Kafeel Nitaqat or red-green status and decide either to leave it or stay in it. You can also check your iqama red-green status online by following the below simple steps.

  1. Visit the MOL (Ministry of Labor) official website.
  2. Put your “Iqama Number” in the first field.
  3. Now put the “Image code” in the second field.
  4. Click the “View” button (refer to the below image).

Check Iqama red green

After clicking the “view” button the page will reload, and the Nitaqat system will show your Iqama color in red, green, yellow, or platinum.

Let me suggest you something if your Iqama color is red or yellow. Then you should change your company or transfer the Kafeel or sponsorship. Because that company is no better. However, if you see that the company or Kafeel is hiring more Saudis. Then you should stay because soon your Iqama color will turn green or platinum color status.

Check Iqama Huroob Status Online

Here I will explain what is Iqama huroob? How to check iqama huroob status online? Also, how do get remove the Huroob on your resident permit? I wish nobody gets huroob on their resident permit. It is the most dangerous thing in Saudi Arabia.

What is Huroob or Absconder?

Actually, Huroob is an Arabic word used for runaway, absence, from work without informing the company, Kafeel, or sponsor in KSA. In English, it is called Absconder. Nobody can live in the Kingdom with huroob on their iqama from their company or sponsor.

In short, if someone leaves the company or sponsor without informing and working outside. Then the sponsor applies huroob against their iqama number. Moreover, that person will be banned to enter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years.

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How to Check Huroob Status of Iqama

Let me clarify one thing first, you know that you ran away without informing your sponsor. Then it’s clear your Iqama is under huroob, if you did not run away from your sponsor, then there is no huroob against your iqama id number.

MOL (Ministry of Labor) allows Expats living in KSA to check their Huroob status online. However, to ensure that your Iqama is under Huroof/Huroob or not follow the below steps.

  1. Go to the MOL (Ministry of Labor) official site.
  2. Put your “Iqama Number”.
  3. Press the Enter button (refer to the image below).

Check Iqama Huroob Status Online

Alternativity, you can print your passport copy and visit the nearest Jawazat office. There you can ask the support to confirm the Huroob status.

How to Remove Iqama or Muqeem Huroob?

The first and easy method to get rid of an absconder or Huroob is to ask your sponsor humbly to remove it. You will need to get back to your sponsor or company and explain that it was a mistake to run away from the company. In most cases, they will need you to pay some money (in Saudi Riyals) to get rid of an absconder.

The second method is to file an appeal in court. If you understand the risk and want to pursue the illegal Huroob against you. You can do so by visiting Maktab e Amal and filing an appeal.

If you cannot follow any of the above procedures in order to remove the status Huroob against your iqama number. Then simply surrender yourself by visiting Jawazat’s relevant authority at Tarheel centers in KSA. You will be arrested and deported to your home country. Moreover, you will be banned to visit Saudi Arabia for 3 minimum and 5 maximum years.


So I have covered all these important topics and queries by Expats in Saudi Arabia. I explained how you can check your iqama expiry date, what is Nitaqat status of Iqama is, What is Huroob, and how to check the Huroob status online in KSA. I am sure I solved everything, but if there is still something you want to ask, comment below or contact us.

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Shams Ali
Shams Ali

My name is Shams Ali, and I’m a blogger and the founder of I’m passionate about creating content on topics like Iqama, Absher, KSA news, telecom updates from different providers in KSA. I love sharing helpful information and insights to support the expatriate community. You can reach me at

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