Category Saudi Visa

In this category you will find contents on Saudi visa regarding, how to, exit visa, entry visa, labor visa, change visa, exit re-entry visa, visit visa, family visit visa, permanent, and temporary visa, etc.

Cancel Exit Re-Entry Visa via MOI

How to Cancel Exit Re-Entry Visa via Absher in KSA

Learn how to cancel your or your family’s exit re-entry visa in Saudi Arabia. This is a step-by-step guide for expatriates and dependents. Before going for the exit re-entry cancellation process you must be aware of cancellation charges on a…

Biometric Fingerprint on KSA Visa

Biometric Fingerprint on Saudi Visas

Biometric fingerprints implementation on all Saudi visas since 2018 (Hijri 1439). This is a good step by the Government of Saudi Arabia to ensure their security and safety. The fingerprints implementation is not just on Work visas but on Hajj…

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