How to Pay Saudi Council of Engineers Fee (SCE)

Once you successfully register yourself as a technician or engineer on SCE. A time will come when you’ll need to renew your membership in the Saudi Council of Engineers. If you don’t they will simply cancel everything on your account and you will remain helpless. So it is very important to pay your SCE on time for your membership. If you don’t need the procedure to do so, then you are here at the right place. I will show the step-by-step guide for paying your SCE payment via online internet banking. So, please stay here and keep on reading…

Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE) Fee

First, let’s talk about the fee you will be paying as an engineer or technician upon the renewal of your members on the SCE. Here is the list, take a look:

  • The registration fee is SAR 500, this is one time.
  • For Technicians, the membership fee is SAR 200/Year. While for Engineers the fee is SAR 250/Year.
  • However, the renewal fee is the same for Technicians as SAR 200/Year and SAR 250/Year for Engineers.
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So now that you need to pay the fee for technicians and engineers, let’s get into the procedure to pay your membership renewal fee online via SADAD and online internet banking. You must have a bank account in Saudi Arabia and your bank/account should support internet online banking services.

How to Pay SCE Fee Online

You must have an active bank account in order to pay the SCE renewal fee in Saudi Arabia for your membership renewal. However, almost all banks let you pay your bills online via SADAD. For all the banks the procedure is quite simple but I will show you how to do it in Al Rajhi and NCB banks.

Using Al Rajhi Bank

First of all, log in to your Al Rajhi bank account. Then go to the Payments tab and select SADAD bills. Click the “Add New Bills” button. Select Government Services in the filter by section while as Utility Service Provider select Saudi Council of Engineers. Now enter the SADAD bill number. Al Rajhi will now send you an OTP to confirm your SADAD bill. Enter the OTP to confirm your action. Once confirmed click the read everything carefully and click the Confirm button. Done, you have successfully paid the SCE bill for your membership renewal.

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Via NCB (National Commercial Bank)

Here is how to pay your SCE (Saudi Council of Engineers) fee via NCB bank: First, log in to your NCB bank account. Then Click SADAD and SADAD Payments. Now click the “Add New Bill” button. On the next page select Gov Agencies as your Biller Group, Saudi Council of Engineers as Biller, SADAD bill number as Subscriber number, and enter the short name as SCE.

NCB will now send you a one-time code, to enter to confirm that it’s you adding a new bill to your NCB account. Go back to your Account Dashboard, SADAD, SADAD Payments, select Saudi Council of Engineers and pay the fee. That is it, this is how you can easily pay your SCE membership renewal fee in Saudi Arabia online via internet banking and SADAD.

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Shams Ali
Shams Ali

My name is Shams Ali, and I’m a blogger and the founder of I’m passionate about creating content on topics like Iqama, Absher, KSA news, telecom updates from different providers in KSA. I love sharing helpful information and insights to support the expatriate community. You can reach me at

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