Prepaid customers on the Du network can easily get a loan balance when they are low mobile credit. There are several conditions you need to comply with to be eligible and get the emergency advance credit. Du network calls this service Out of Credit service for prepaid users.
Moreover, the conditions are you need must use the Du sim for at least three months. Also, ensure that you have used a minimum of AED 10 on your sim card. That’s what makes you eligible for getting out of Credit services on the Du network in UAE. Read also: Du Data Offers and Packages For Prepaid Users.
How to Get Du Advance Loan Balance
I am going to show the procedure to get the emergency loan balance of AED 5 when you are low on mobile credit in UAE. There are two methods you can follow to do so. The 1st one is the USSD code and the 2nd one is the SMS procedure for getting the amount.
Dial *108# and press the call button or SMS an empty message to 1080 to get the advance AED 5 balance. In a short while, you will get an SMS from Du that you successfully received the emergency credit of AED 5 as per the Out of Credit service. But as I mentioned, you must be eligible for this service.
There is one thing you need to keep in mind, you can get out of credit service once your existing balance reaches its end. In short, once your balance reaches zero. You can then apply for the service. Yo get a notification SMS dial *108*#.
Moreover, Du will deduct the balance upon recharging your Du prepaid line. The fee for the service is AED 1. In short, you will be charged AED 6. However, you can also use the Du app on your phone to track your balance and follow this method to check your remaining Du credit. There is no fee for checking your remaining balance.