New Call Center for Bangladeshi Launched in KSA

With the cooperation of four authorities, they made it possible. The Bangladeshi Embassy, ICT Department, MEWOE, and MOFA jointly opened a call center for 2.2 million Bangladeshi expatriates around KSA.

Call Center for Bangladeshi in KSA

This is not telecommunication but Health Advice Call Center for over 2.2 Bangal ex-pats working in Saudi Arabia. Well, it’s a great step to stop the pandemic and help the Bangladeshis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in such a situation.

For your information, in the last week of April, a Bangladesh man has lost the batter of his life. He is no more due to the pandemic coronavirus COVID-19. That is why they have launched the call center for health advice and related stuff. The call center is known as Probas Bandhu Call Center.

This is all because of the current crisis of the pandemic coronavirus COVID-19 said by ICT in a report to the Dhaka Tribune. If you are the one looking for a piece of health advice, then you can simply call +8809611999111. There is also an IMO number, if you don’t have enough balance then everyone in the Kingdom has IMO on their smartphone. You can call their IMO number by simply adding their contact number 01400611995 to your contacts list.

Once you add the IMO number to your contact list, then simply call then and your call will be diverted to Bangladesh doctors. Meaning, you don’t need to talk in English, but you will be advised in your moth tongue in mean in Bangla language. The doctors are there from 9AM to 9 PM full week. Read also MOI Recent Clarifications on Traveling in Saudi Arabia.

Once you think you are feeling the type of infection than simply dial the above-mentioned number and get better advice for your health in no time. After all, it is your life and it should be your top priority in order to get the best health treatment as you can. If you need any of our help then you are welcome to comment and let us know.

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