Rules to Follow While Opening Malls in KSA

Back in a few weeks, the government has the order to open malls from 3 AM to PM. However, now the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs started to give order to follow while doing so.

If you don’t follow the rules you have a better idea of what can happen to your mall. So it is suggested very strictly to follow the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs orders in order to keep opening malls in the due the pandemic COVID-19.

Rules to Follow While Opening Malls Due to COVID-19

During the noncurfew period you are allowed to open your mall and restaurant. But there are rules you need to follow and they are as follows:

  • Every single customer in the mall and restaurant should keep a distance from each other while shopping and paying the bills.
  • In short, no gathering and crowding are allowed in the malls.
  • Childer are strictly not allowed to enter the mall. You should keep their notice in front of your mall.
  • Entertainment areas such as cinemas and relate such as payer rooms should be closed in the mall.
  • No cash payment only electronic via cards etc.
  • Exchanges are not allowed. What is this means that once an item is sold a customer should know that it cannot be retired, as it can be infected by the COVID-19. however, it can become unwell for other health. So keep in mind as a customer that you cannot return something once you purchased it.
  • Every single customer in the mall including employees should wear face masks.
  • Valet parking is strictly to avoid.
  • There should be no rest areas in the mall such as benches tables and chairs.
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What we learn is you should only go to the malls and purchase the items you need. Then get back to your home as soon as you can. You can set and rest there in the mall, you cannot bring the child over there and you cannot return an item once you purchased it. Read also Saudi Suspended Travel to Iran Due to COVID-19.

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Shams Ali
Shams Ali

My name is Shams Ali, and I’m a blogger and the founder of I’m passionate about creating content on topics like Iqama, Absher, KSA news, telecom updates from different providers in KSA. I love sharing helpful information and insights to support the expatriate community. You can reach me at

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