It is confirmed on Khaleejtimes that Eid Ul Adha date is Monday 12th August 2019. There is nine (9) days holiday on this Eid Ul Adha as per the Saudi stock exchange announcement on Monday. Saudi Stock Exchange also is known as (Tadawul) will take a long break time. There holiday starting from 7th August 2019 to 17th August 2019.
Eid Ul Adha Date and Holidays in Saudi Arabia
Eid Ul Adha | 12 Aug | Monday | National holiday |
Eid Ul Adha | 13 Aug | Tuesday | National holiday |
Eid Ul Adha | 14 Aug | Wednesday | National holiday |
The Eid is held on 12th August in 2019 right after the Hajj. The festival of Sacrifice also known as Eid Ul Adha, it is the second Eid of Muslim around the world. As all Muslims from around the glob sacrifice (Qurban) a Halal animal this festival day.
As I mentioned it worldwide wherever Muslim lives. For example Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Kenya, UAE, China, Mexico, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and more countries.