How to Check Your Kafeel Name (2024 KSA)

Learn how to check Kafeel’s name or sponsor details in Saudi Arabia. Also, other information on your Iqama/Muqeem card or online through the MOI (Ministry of Interior) official website. I am going to show 3 easy ways to check Kafeel / sponsor name origin on Iqama, MOI, and MOL. I will make it easy for you step by step and provide a procedure with pictures.

The Ministry of Interior (MOI) and Ministry of Labor (MOL) allow Expats to check their sponsor names online. All you need is your Iqama number to quickly check your Kafeel or sponsor ID/name via their official website. Remember there is no English version so please don’t waste your time.

What is Iqama Check Kafeel Name in Saudi Arabia?

It is one of the most common and popular terms used by expatriates living in Saudi Arabia. So that they know the procedure of checking their sponsor name and ID etc by Iqama number online.

Both MOI (Ministry of Interior) and MOL (Ministry of Labor) have official online tools. These tool helps expatriates and citizens to search for different kind of e-Services and find relevant information. So it is the one included.

Check Kafeel Name on Iqama

If you are a new Expat and don’t have an Iqama ID card. Then you may skip this method and follow the below. But if you have already an Iqama which is also known as a Muqeem card. You can easily find your sponsor details on our Iqama ID offline. The following is the easiest method.

Just pick your iqama ID card and have a look at the front side of it. You should see the last line on your iqama ID (Saheb-e-Amal), next to (Saheb-e-Amal), there is your sponsor/Kafeel/employer name. See the below picture with an example.

Check Kafeel Name on Iqama ID
Check Kafeel Name on Iqama ID

Check Kafeel Name Through MOL

MOL is one of the best online portals by the Ministry of Labor in Saudi Arabia. It allows Expats to query their company, Kafeel, or Mosasa Nitqata status as well as employer details. Still, the worst thing is, that the MOL online portal is in the Arabic language only. But don’t worry I will guide you, so you won’t face any trouble. Please follow the simple steps.

  1. Visit MOL official online portal (وزارة العمل).
  2. Select the “نقل خدمة عامل وافد” from the drop-down list.
  3. Check رقم اقامۃ العمل “Iqama number in Arabic”.
  4. Enter your Iqama number.
  5. Enter the image captcha code.
  6. Click the “View” button, is Arabic it is “بحث”.
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The page will reload you will immediately see your Kafeel name highlighted in red color below. Now you can note it down or just take a picture and keep it somewhere safe for future use.

Check your Kafeel name via MOL
Check your Kafeel name via MOL

Check Kafeel Name Through Absher

MOI online portal by the Ministry of Interior allows all expatriates living in KSA to query their employer names. But before that, you must have a registered Absher account and activate it. Skip the account registration and activation process if you already have one. Simply follow the below steps.

  1. Login to your MOI Absher account.
  2. Click on the “My Dashboard” option at the top.
  3. Now click on “More Details” under personal info in your account.
  4. You will see your sponsor’s name and ID both there. Check the screenshot below.

Kafeel Name Inquiry Through Your HR Office

Are you working in a company or Mosasa? If yes then skip all the above procedures and visit your company’s HR office. Ask for the HR responsible person and meet him. Then humbly ask him for the Kafeel name.

There is no reason he may reject your request. But if he is, then go ahead and follow any of the above methods. I will suggest you go for the MOI procedure. Because it is in English you will understand it better rather than the Arabic language on MOL.

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Check Your Kafeel Name Through Agency

A lot of people are curious before or after visiting Saudi Arabia to know about their employer’s name or company name. In that case, you can follow the below procedure.

You must know the Agency or traveler responsible for your Visa right? Just try to arrange a meeting with him/her. Keep in mind that this process is before or after stamping the visa. Humbly ask the person to provide all the information you require, such as your company or Kafeel name, phone number and address, city, etc.

Check your Sponsor Name on Resident Permit

If you are not familiar with online procedures and sorts of things. This offline method is the best for you to know about employer details.

Grab your Iqama from your pocket or bag. Read the last line on the front side of your resident permit or Muqeem card, which is your employer’s name. If you cannot read the Arabic language, ask someone else to read it for you.

Know your Sponsor Name and ID Through your Passport Visa

All the companies in Saudi Arabia have been told by the Government to provide the passport to their owners (expatriates). It means that you have your passport in your bag or somewhere else right? If yes, then follow the below steps.

Now pick up your passport and open the page where the visa is attached and stamped. There you will find all your employer details. If you cannot read it, request someone else to read it for you.

Iqama Check Kafeel Name via Embassy

No matter where is your Kafeel and you wanna know about him. Now let me tell you most people don’t find their Kafeel on their first arrival in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In that, you don’t need any online or offline procedure.

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You quickly may want to go to your country’s Embassy for help. Explain everything there and ask them to provide you with your Kafeel name, address, phone number, email, or anything you can contact him with.

Check your Sponsor Name from Jawazat Office

Do you know about JAwazat? It is also called the GDP General Directorate of Passport in Saudi Arabia. The most powerful place in Saudi Arabia. You can visit the nearest Jawazat office and let them know your concerns. They will help and provide the information required to you about your Kafeel.

Most people are afraid and visit there for help. I thought they were fools. They must visit and get help as per your query. There is nothing to be afraid of if you legally staying in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Check your Sponsor Details on Visa

Do you know that you can check and know about your Kafil or company through your visa page? Yes, you can, all you need is your passport. Just pick up your passport and next to the Arabic word “Alghariz” is your Kafil details.

Top Reasons for Checking Iqama Kafeel Name

If I talk about myself, I am curious to know every single detail about my sponsor. So every Expat may have these kinds of feelings. Anyhow, let’s talk about the reasons below.

Your sponsor is a bad person you wanna report him or wanna fight against him? An Expat may get surrendered and get Jail and wanna query these details.

Iqama renewal issues, Accidents, and D. Fill out an online form or a document and you are required to put your Kafil name on it. Driving license issues.

Other JAwazat issues. Getting a vacation visa and family visa and wanna get help from your sponsor but you don’t know anything about him or her.

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Shams Ali
Shams Ali

My name is Shams Ali, and I’m a blogger and the founder of I’m passionate about creating content on topics like Iqama, Absher, KSA news, telecom updates from different providers in KSA. I love sharing helpful information and insights to support the expatriate community. You can reach me at


  1. I am facing Huroob issue on my iqama My kafeel is not responding at all he want huge money which I dont have. can you suggest an easy way to remove my huroob?

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